Incident OPA Case 2018OPA-0928

Date Aug 11, 2018
Report # OPA Case 2018OPA-0928
Department Seattle Police Department
Officers Caleb Howard , Aleksandra Margolina
Address North - UNION - U3
Seattle, WA

Incident Description

Allegation 1 — Integrity and Ethics

Name: Aleksandra Margolina
Badge #: 7693
Disposition: OPA Partially Sustained
Incident Type: OPA Investigation
Finding: Not Sustained Unfounded

Allegation 2 — Professionalism

Name: Caleb Howard
Badge #: 8517
Disposition: OPA Partially Sustained
Incident Type: OPA Investigation
Finding: Sustained

Allegation 3 — Conformance to Law

Name: Caleb Howard
Badge #: 8517
Disposition: OPA Partially Sustained
Discipline: Suspension Without Pay
Incident Type: OPA Investigation
Finding: Sustained

Source: SPD - Forwarded
Case Status: Completed